Monday, 19 October 2009

Task five ( school )

Task five was actually taking the photos needed for my whole magiazine. I was abit behind with my designs of the front cover and contents page as i changed my ideas quite a few times. So i didnt know what i needed and on the first week i wasnt able to get hold of a camera as theyre wasnt enough to go around. In my free lesson i went around the school taking some of the appropriate images that were needed for my school magazine. I took the photos from inside and outside. I only got the images that were needed for the contents page as I never had enough time to get the bigger images. I also hadn’t organised time to meet the student or had the right equipment that would be on my front cover. These were the images that were taken.

I am not going to be using all of these images because i dont think that they are right for my magazine. Some of the images i had to take a few shots so that i could get the right angle. I took a few images of the media awards because i wasnt sure if i would have the chance again to take them again. I had abit of help from Mr Fraiser that helped me to figure out what to take photos of.
I first heard Kraftwerk which is the name of a German band who are still touring today.
The next lesson i was able to get all the other photos that i needed for my contents and front cover though some had to be taken in my own time at home because i couldnt get hold of the students in school time.

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