Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Task six ( school )

Task six was to use photoshop. I had to upload my photos and then change them into how they will be on my magazine. On alot of the photos i cut around them so they had no background at all on the image. It took me a while because i had to do it carefully so that none of the picture was cut off. I zoomed in and out to make sure i could see what needed parts needed cutting. I used to tools to do this. One was a tool that when you clicked part of the photo it would highlight all the picture that had the same colour so you could delete it. This was abit difficult because some of the picture blended with the background so it would cut the picture aswell. In the end the parts that i werent able to do i got the rubber and cut around. I had to keep changing the size of the rubber depending on how big or close to the picture it was. I had quite abit of time to do this cause i have photoshop at home so i was able to finish it at home ready for the next lesson. Some of them i kept the white background on to be able to rub out easily on photoshop.
These are the pictures after i changed them:

After i edited the background i coloured around each picture in black so it would stand out and would show clearer on the magazine. I edited every photo except one which didnt have a background anyway so couldnt be edited.
These are the pictures after i added the new background:

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